Saturday, May 24, 2014


Assured of God’s presence and leading, we move ahead towards our planned return in August.  We are SO grateful for the team of partners the Lord is raising up to be our senders.
No cross-cultural worker should leave home without a strong, integrated, educated, knowledgeable, excited-as-he/she-is, active team of people who have committed themselves to serving as senders. (Serving as Senders, by Neal Pirolo, p.20)

We met with a group of these enthused senders a few weeks ago in our home to update them on God’s leading, our schedule for the next few months, and our prayer concerns.  They are our “Timothy Team” from our home church.  Their role includes moral, logistical, financial, prayer, communication and re-entry and departure support.  Wow!  They are a huge encouragement to us!

Besides being some of our most informed and committed prayer warriors, they have been a big help in organizing the clearing of our yard of four-years’ worth of volunteer trees and weeds, getting our mower out of storage and into working condition, transport to and from the airport of luggage and mini-van, helping to set up our house and then take it down and pack things away, sending out our prayer letters, collecting and shipping items to us in Kenya, meeting regularly to pray, sending care packages, acting as liaisons in communication with groups from our church... We love these guys!  And thank God for them.

There are lots of others, too –
The retired couple who was overjoyed to inform us of their increase in Social Security pension so now they could give regularly to our ministry

 A couple in Arizona who host a holiday event each year to raise money for cows. They have sent us money for 4 cows this year.  Many others do similar thrusts.

Our home church, The Chapel, who supports us in prayer and finances.  The women’s Bible study groups from our church pray for specific needs of our Tabitha Ministry women every week, and collect offerings to purchase Bibles for the Kenyan ladies.

Visiting medical staff and spouses who experience hospital and village ministry with us during their visits to Kenya and then return to the US as enthusiastic champions in prayer, raising support and serving as consultants. 

We are especially thankful for the Southwestern Medical Clinic in Michigan.  John joined this group in 1991 and they support us in so many ways, including helping to find a place for John to plug into American medicine during our Home Ministry Assignment year.  This year it has been as a hospitalist, with a bit of walk-in clinic work, too.   They also volunteer their time to come alongside us in Kenya, sending groups to cover needy times at the hospital, and coming out as individuals.  Here is   pictured a group from SWMC that came to help during our last term.   Two physicians from our home town are currently at Tenwek and several others returned recently from a stint there.  Welcome back anytime, but preferably when we can be there to welcome you!

Family members who pray so regularly and give us up for years at a time.  They know how to come alongside us just when we need it (shopping, packing, painting, etc.) and are a tremendous support to us in so many ways…  Family members came from several states to welcome us last August, and helped celebrate the girls’ high school graduation.

The list is endless.  And so is our thanks to our Father who goes before us and surrounds us with His presence and with the presence of His people in such tangible ways.  In His grace we press on, assured and bolstered by the support and love of our senders.