We arrived in Kenya a month ago, and have received warm welcomes from friends. "Karibu nyumbani," was the repeated greeting from our Kenyan friends. "Welcome home!" As we have re-entered life and work here at Tenwek, we are indeed beginning to feel at home.
Our friend Evaline made us these baskets from used plastic bags. |
Cecelia, Peris and Robert - friends and fellow workers - welcomed us with flowers and a banner reading, "Karibu Nyumbani." It is great to have them as part of our daily lives once more.
Chai time!!
John's hospital staff Bible study group welcomed him and helped celebrate his birthday with us. They want to continue studying God's Word together, this time in our home Thursday evenings.
It was thrilling for Linda to be back to the monthly Center Leaders' Bible study for Tabitha Ministry. The women were eager to report of God's faithfulness during our year apart.
Leaders studying John 14. |
And Joel is enjoying reconnecting at Rift Valley Academy, as a junior. Each day it feels more like home. We got to visit his classes this week during Open House. We wonder what he might become in future:
future chemist? |
or carpenter? |
We talk frequently to Rebecca and Julia, who are glad to be in their present homes, Wheaton College, in Illinois, and Indiana Wesleyan University.
Rebecca with drama friends |
Friend Casey and Julia |
We are so thankful that God has blessed us during this transition in our lives! What a privilege to have Christ make his home in us as we dwell also in Him, wherever we are. We are grateful for your prayers on our journey, and ask you to continue.